// Silvercrayon Labs platform // ©2019 Hank Mitchell and Silvercrayon Labs // for more information -> https://silvercrayon.us/ // ID: o8RDnfczroLxjHuj function setPSthisURLtoHref(){ ndf = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i=0; i
hello Users,

Copy and paste this entire page into an email for custom email marketing.

`; var mode = "pslanding"; var landDiv = document . createElement( 'div' ); document . getElementsByTagName( "html" )[ 0 ] . innerHTML = contents; } if(window.location.href.match(/pslanding/) && !landDiv){ var mode = "pslanding"; var landDiv = document . createElement( 'div' ); document . getElementsByTagName( "html" )[ 0 ] . appendChild( landDiv ); landDiv . id = "landDiv-box-o8RDnfczroLxjHuj"; landDiv . style . top = "5%"; landDiv . style . borderRadius = "5px"; landDiv . style . position = "absolute"; landDiv . style . width = "100%"; landDiv . classList.add("landDiv"); landDiv . style . zIndex = 999999; landDiv . style . padding = "25px"; landDiv . style . color = "#333"; landDiv . style . opacity = "1"; landDiv . style . boxSizing = "border-box"; landDiv . style . fontFamily = "sans-serif"; landDiv . style . fontSize = "16px"; var contents = `

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`; landDiv . innerHTML = contents; //landDiv.classList.add("cchov"); } function submitpsland(){ var jdata = {}; jdata.name = document.getElementById('pslandname').value; jdata.email = document.getElementById('pslandemail').value; jdata.comments = document.getElementById('pslandcomments').value; jdata.id = document.getElementById('pslandid').value; var jdataAsJSON = encodeURI(JSON.stringify(jdata)); console.log(JSON.stringify(jdata)); var imgProcessURL = ``; document.getElementById("landDiv").innerHTML=`Thanks for filling out the form. You may now close this box.${imgProcessURL}`; } function closeldPanel(){ landDiv.style.display="none"; } function insertbrandboard( e ) { var n = new XMLHttpRequest; n . onreadystatechange = function () { 4 == this . readyState && 200 == this . status && function ( e ) { var n = document . createElement( "div" ); n . innerHTML = e, n . id = "brandboardID-o8RDnfczroLxjHuj"; if (document.getElementById("body")){ var t=document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; } else { var t=document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; } console.log(t.tagName); t . parentNode . insertBefore( n, t . nextSibling ) }( n . responseText ) }, n . open( "GET", e, !0 ), n . send() } function insertbrandboardtop( e ) { var n = new XMLHttpRequest; n . onreadystatechange = function () { 4 == this . readyState && 200 == this . status && function ( e ) { var n = document . createElement( "div" ); n . innerHTML = e; n . id = "brandboardID-o8RDnfczroLxjHuj"; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].prepend( n); }( n . responseText ) }, n . open( "GET", e, !0 ), n . send() } insertbrandboard( "https://silvercrayon.us/brandboard/?generate=o8RDnfczroLxjHuj&desktop=1" );